Product tips
Why choose the DryerWallVent?
This sleek, durable vent is a top performer in keeping your dryer exhaust flowing to the outside and taking the loose lint with it, preventing lint buildup in your dryer exhaust system.
About the DryerWallVent
Often, not much thought goes into selecting the type of vent cover to be connected to the dryer exhaust duct at the home’s exterior wall. There are several types of vents on the market today to choose from, with the DryerWallVent being the safest, most efficient choice.
It's time to toss the dryer sheets!
You’ll be glad you made the switch to Smart Sheep® Wool Dryer Balls. It’s the easiest eco-friendly product swap you can make with a low price point of $17.95!
What dryer sheets do to you, your clothes and your dryer
Dryer or fabric softener sheets can be found in almost every laundry room. Tossed in with every load, they add fragrance, make the fabrics softer to the touch and reduce static cling. How does this work and are dryer sheets safe for clothes dryers?
Venting inefficiencies can lead to a fire hazard
The goal of BetterVenting is to provide you with valuable information on dryer efficiency and performance and to create awareness on the importance of dryer safety.