Articles tagged #DRYERSAFETY
Articles tagged
DryerWallVent: The superior choice for a dryer's exhaust termination
The stylish, low-profile DryerWallVent is the vent of choice to effectively vent the dryer’s exhaust to the exterior.
Why choose the DryerWallVent?
This sleek, durable vent is a top performer in keeping your dryer exhaust flowing to the outside and taking the loose lint with it, preventing lint buildup in your dryer exhaust system.
It's time to toss the dryer sheets!
You’ll be glad you made the switch to Smart Sheep® Wool Dryer Balls. It’s the easiest eco-friendly product swap you can make with a low price point of $17.95!
Clothes dryer troubleshooting guide
BetterVenting has assembled some tips that just might be the answer to common dryer problems, saving you a service call.
Dryer ducts - Are yours up to code?
Many homeowners are unaware of the role a clothes dryer vent plays in home safety. Dryer exhaust systems transport moisture from a wet load of laundry to the exterior via the dryer exhaust duct. This exhaust system also transports lint, highly flammable fibers from clothing that make their way past the lint filter, to the outside.
Dryer Not Heating? Troubleshooting Tips for Dryer Problems
They're called dryers for a reason: to actually dry your clothes. When you’ve got wet clothes after running a load in the dryer, your appliance isn’t doing its job. A few tips for things to check prior to placing a service call are as follows:
Is my pet’s fur affecting the dryer?
We love our furry friends and have come to accept the multicolored strands of fur that attach to our clothing and accompany us to business meetings. This constant reminder each time we look down, as cute as you might think it is, is a fire hazard.
Venting inefficiencies can lead to a fire hazard
The goal of BetterVenting is to provide you with valuable information on dryer efficiency and performance and to create awareness on the importance of dryer safety.